Monday, April 2, 2012

We are coming back.

Hello, everyone out there I will be trying to get this active again. I need at least three to four people working on here not including me. Please contact me at Ash135 on roblox to apply for a position.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Black Friday Sale

ROBLOX is letting the people vote on hats that should go on sale and go limited.If you would like to vote go here:
1.When did you join ROBLOX?
October 2007

2.How did you find out about ROBLOX?
A youtube video of a Roblox physics demo was enticing enough.

3.How did you get into making games?
Roblox made it easy to make a game and get players to play it, so yeah, Roblox just had all the tools I needed.

4.How does it feel to be an official ROBLOX Administrator?
Nothing is different really. But it is great going into the office.

5.What is your most popular game?
I think that people enjoy my Underground War the most.

6.What was the first game you ever created?
It took me about a year to graduate from putting free models into a place to, fully making my own games.

7.What did you think when you got a game to the first page for the first time?
My thoughts were something like, "awesome, I wonder if I can get this many players on another game?"

8.What is your favorite feature on ROBLOX?
That is almost like asking me what invention is the most important in the world. Nothing would work without electricity, but then there is also the wheel. Roblox would be nothing without multiplayer or building capabilities. A less mandatory feature that I enjoy would probably be the new terrain for places.

9.What do you mostly do when you are on ROBLOX?
80% of the time I will be working on a game. The other 20% of the time I am playing games.

10.And finally who is your best friend on here?
I don't have "best" friends. It would make friendship into a capitalistic system.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sword Fight On The Heights: Sword Reviews

The Illumina is a light, agile, and deadly weapon. It is probably one of the best swords on the game.
It is known as Telamon's favorite sword.It originally cost 5,000 robucks, and is now at 199,999 robucks.
If you could get this I suggest you do as the prices will stay up.This sword is a great item to use with your avatar's look if you wear lighter colored clothes.
The Darkheart is a very good weapon. It originally cost 2,000 robucks, and is now well over 200,000 robucks.
I suggest getting this before the price goes to high and nobody can get this.This sword is a great item to use with your avatar's look if you wear darker clothing.
The Firebrand is a great weapon.It originally cost 1,000 robucks, and is now at 3,700 robucks.
If you can get this I would as the price rising right now. This sword is a great item to use with your avatar's look if you wear mostly red.
The Ghostwalker is a very nice weapon.In my own opinion this is my favorite weapon on ROBLOX.
It originally cost 12,000 robucks, and is now at 62,000 robucks. I would suggest getting this sword over the other ones as this one is cheaper at the moment is rising in prices.This sword is a great item to use with your avatar's look if you wear very light clothes or just plain white clothes.

Fresh Start

Ok here on ROBLOX Updates we are gonna need some workers if some people can help out.
We will need atleast 3-4 people.Also I will be hiring winter interns after the full time workers get settled in.
If you want a job email me at saying what you would want to do.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Ok, I have frogger at the bottom of the website and I may be adding more so that you can come and play games when you get bored and also while you are playing the games you can read the posts.


Ok here at Roblox Updates we need workers.
If you are willing to work please contact me at ChaosVader on roblox or on Twitter @ChaosVader_RBLX.
I will be posting as often as I can but probably not more than 1 or 2 a day because it is just me so please people ask for jobs I am basically gonna give them away.
That is all for now thanks for your time.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Interview with RangeMeludE

Here is an interview with a very famous builder.


Q1-When did you join ROBLOX?
A1- 07/11/08

Q2-What is your favorite feature on ROBLOX?
A2- Basically everything that has something to do with places (Gui, Data Persistance, badges etc.).

Q3-Who are your best friends on ROBLOX?
A3- Currently only BCGames, I have more good friends on Roblox but I really have the most contact with BCG. Most of my other good friends quit. Some of these were scythedonut, TheBeast14 and PlatinumEpic.

Q4-What are your basic talents outside and inside ROBLOX?
A4- Graphic Designing: Logos, posters and signposting etc.

Q5-Do you collect hats?
A5- No, I just buy every hat I like.

Q6-What do you do mostly on ROBLOX?
A6- Foruming and building.

Q7-What was your inspiration to start making games?
A7- Other Role-Playing games. When I started making games I copied ideas from other games, I don't do that anymore. I currently use my imagination to create a nice and original result.

Q8-What would you say is the best game you have made?
A8- The Lords of Range's Cape.

Q9-How long have you been making games?
A9- Since the day I joined.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Interview with ColonelGraff

Here is an interview with a game builder.



Q1-When did you join ROBLOX?
A1- September 28th 2008
Q2-What is your favorite feature on ROBLOX?
A2-Roblox Studio building and scripting

Q3-Who are your best friends on ROBLOX?
A3- I have a lot of good friends on Roblox, too many to name.

Q4-What are your basic talents outside and inside ROBLOX?
A4- Inside Roblox, I like to script and build places and I'd consider those 2 of my talents, but outside roblox I'm good at playing piano and bass and rock climbing.                                                                                                                                                                              

Q5-Do you collect hats?
A5- I'm trying to collect all the dominuses

Q6-What do you do mostly on ROBLOX?
A6- Browse the website and work on games

Q7-What was your inspiration to start making games?
A7-I wanted to make a game and see everybody enjoying it.

Q8-What would you say is the best game you have made?
A8-Although a lot of my games could use improvements, I'd say the best ones I've made are my Forest Obby, Giant Tree Obby and either Minigames or Build zone.

Q9-How long have you been making games?
A9-hmm.. almost 3 years now
-C2 Out

Game Review

Creativity 10/10
Effort 7/10
Gameplay 10/10

This game called Ro-Paint is a very fun game.This game is for everyone to come and show there creativity and artistic skills.This is a very interesting game to just come and watch as people take their time to make ROBLOX art masterpieces.This game is updated as often as possible.

Sneak Peak updates:
*More painting canvases.
*A separate game called Ro-Paint Hall Of Fame

The Hall Of Fame will have some of the best paintings from the game.
We may also have a contest to see who can make the best painting.