Tuesday, November 15, 2011

1.When did you join ROBLOX?
October 2007

2.How did you find out about ROBLOX?
A youtube video of a Roblox physics demo was enticing enough.

3.How did you get into making games?
Roblox made it easy to make a game and get players to play it, so yeah, Roblox just had all the tools I needed.

4.How does it feel to be an official ROBLOX Administrator?
Nothing is different really. But it is great going into the office.

5.What is your most popular game?
I think that people enjoy my Underground War the most.

6.What was the first game you ever created?
It took me about a year to graduate from putting free models into a place to, fully making my own games.

7.What did you think when you got a game to the first page for the first time?
My thoughts were something like, "awesome, I wonder if I can get this many players on another game?"

8.What is your favorite feature on ROBLOX?
That is almost like asking me what invention is the most important in the world. Nothing would work without electricity, but then there is also the wheel. Roblox would be nothing without multiplayer or building capabilities. A less mandatory feature that I enjoy would probably be the new terrain for places.

9.What do you mostly do when you are on ROBLOX?
80% of the time I will be working on a game. The other 20% of the time I am playing games.

10.And finally who is your best friend on here?
I don't have "best" friends. It would make friendship into a capitalistic system.


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