Thursday, July 7, 2011

Interview with hicup789

This is an interview with a ROBLOXian that re-textures hats.


Q1-When did you join ROBLOX?
A1-July 5th 2007
Q2-What is your favorite feature on ROBLOX?

Q3-Who are your best friends on ROBLOX?
A3-Everyone on my friends list.

Q4-What are your basic talents outside and inside ROBLOX?
Q4-Coding and graphics design.                                                                                                                                                                               

Q5-Do you collect hats?
A5-Yes, I collect Tophats.

Q6-What do you do mostly on ROBLOX?
A6-I build mostly.

Q7-What was your inspiration to start re-texturing?
A7-Curiosity to try something new.

Q8-What is your best re-texture?
A8-Dominus Infernus

Q9-How long have you been re-texturing?
A9-For about 2 years now.
-C2 Out


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